Monday, July 13, 2009

What To Eat, What Not To Eat

Most people know what types of foods to eat in order to be healthy. We all know that we should eat a balanced diet and get enough exercise. I recommened eating fresh fruit and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and also eating things like meat and dairy products.

I also recommend keeping away from processed foods like take aways and sugary foods that harm your health.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Why Do You Want To Lose Weight?

I was chilling out and watching The Biggest Loser On Tv. And they had all of these people on the skow who wanted to lose weight. Now I can definitely understand why someone would want to be on the biggest loser. You get to meet Sami from Days Of Our Lives and be famous and lose weight in a place where everything that you could ever want is right there for you to do your best. But then I realised that a lot of us don't have all of those things at home to help us lose weight. All we pretty much have is our motivation and neglected gym trainers. So then I wondered, being someone who doesn't really need to lose weight (I only weigh about sixty kilo's, which is great for my height), why people really want to lose weight. I think that figuring out why you want to lose weight is key to actually losing it. So spend some time thinking about why you want to lose the weight. And then when you have, figure out how. Do you need a trainer, exercise, food advice and planning, a doctor, what? Keep a weight journal. I have noticed that if I eat a balanced meal and a few sweets and fruit as snacks, then I'm great with weight. Find a solution that works for you. Eat balanced meals. Exercise. Enjoy life. Some people will realise that they just want to lose the weight so that they can do the things they want to do. Some people can already do those things. For example, one reason that I wanted to lose weight was to enjoy life more, do more stuff during the day. But I have realised that if I just leave the house early and eat enough during the day, then I can spend my day enjoying life and visitng beautiful places in this country.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Weight Buddies

When we lose or gain weight, one of the best things we can have is a sincere weight buddy to talk to about it. I know what its like to lose or gain weight and not have anyone to tell my progress or disaster to. So if anyone wants someone to talk to about their weight, I am here to be a weight buddy and I will listen for free.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Get Good Stares With Stairs

A while ago I renewed my interest in exercise. And we don't really have a lot of fitness equipment around the house. But we do live in a multi-level house which has stairs. And my brother showed me a cool trick which is great for losing weight and for cardio. I don't know where he got it from but my brother is into fitness stuff enough to know how to exercise properly and this one is a great one, plus its really simple. Ok so in your exercise gear find two stairs, preferably carpeted ones so that you don't slip. Then stand on the lower one facing up the stairs. And then  all you do is step up the first step, and then backwards down again. And keep doing this for a long time. My brother recommeneds like half an hour. And you should ntice that it is affecting your calf muscles. The idea is to build up quite a sweat. You can swing your arms to tone more, and even use weights if you want a major work out. Its fun, its cheap, its works, it takes off kilo's and increases your heart rate. Have some water and a towel nearby, and go at your own pace. Always rest if you feel faint.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Losing Weight By Adapting Your Diet To Match The Season

Have you ever noticed that your eating patterns naturally follow the weather? In summer, you might notice, you probably eat lighter, cooler foods, and drink more liquids, like cool drinks. And in winter, you eat more warm and heavy foods, like stew and pies and steak and well, everything. And when you drink you drink hot soups and brandy to warm your toes. And if you are doing that I hope that you are legal age. Anyway, so the reason people do this- changing their eating habits, not drinking that is- is because its healthy. Yep, your body knows exactly what you need to eat in each and every season. So, if you want to lose weight, think seasonal. Don't go and eat heavy stews in summer, and don't try to just have one tiny piece of fruit all day in winter when your toes are frozen. Seriously, eat normally, according to season, and your weight will adjust itself. And if you don't believe me, I lost two kilo's this week, in winter, just by eating normal winter foods like stews and drinking soups. Always think season, you'll be glad you did.

Friday, May 29, 2009

What Are Those Fitness People Really Eating?

Dear Readers,

Often when people want to lose weight they think that they have to go on a strict diet of lettuce leaves and gross juices. And yes, it is important to eat fruit and veggies, but the truth is that many finelt sculpted people are not always following the strict diets they recommend. Rather, they are losing weight and keeping in shape by EXERCISING and then regaining the energy by pasta's and breads. If you think this is a lie it isn't. I knew one very toned person who ate normal foods, even things like fish cooked in butter. Now, of course, if you never exercise then eating high amounts of bread and pasta is not a good idea, but its ok to have them occassionally. Always make sure that you have added a fair amount of olive oil to your pasta, and that you eat wholgrain bread, which is healthier for you. Eat things like fruit, veggies, meat, eggs, dairy: the typical food pyramid. Try to keep a balanced diet. Worry about nutrients first and weight secondary. It wouldn'y help to lose a lot of weight if that causes a vitamin deficiency. This week I lost two kilo's, and I still had ice cream and milk and steak and stuff. The key is balance. Just think heathily. Enjoy sweets and things but not to the extent that you become diabetic. Eat some eggs and butter but also watch the cholesterol. Get some exercise, even if it is only walking. Leave alcohol alone and go sober. Have lots of soups for winter and wear a warm coat and scarf. Go to the gym and work out. Live life and enjoy yourself.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lose Weight By Watching TV

Dear Readers,

I'm about to ask you to do something unusual. Relax, it won't involve paying me any money. The truth is that you can lose weight by watching some tv, and you'll have fun. Ok here's what to do. First, get a packet of cheese curls to eat. Then get a blanket and sit on the couch to relax. The cheese curls are to make it fun and the blanket is because its winter. Also get a notebook and pen to write down your ideas. Great. So far so good. Anyway, so what you're going to do next is watch tv. And here is what you are going to watch: Watch some comedy, like your favourite sitcom or cartoon. This will hopefully make you laugh which will in turn make your body release hormones that make you feel happy. Believe it or not, stress can have a negative effect on health and weight so we want to relax by the tv. Forget about the personal trainer and the gym and the yucky spinach juice for now. Just chill. Ok so watch some relaxing stuff. Then watch some health programs and adverts if you can find some. You might get cool ideas for new products. Watch cooking shows. A lot of the meals on tv are made with great fresh ingredients. Try using this as inspiration in your kitchen. Watch something spiritually uplifting. Even if you haven'y lost kilo's yet you will feel lighter because a weight has been taken off your shoulders. So the idea from this exercise is to get ideas: places you wanna go, things you wanna go, people you are inspired by.See it as just a way to find out what your interests are. Ok so after two or three hours stop watching the tv. And go have a cup of coffee, which will wash the chips out of your system within the next day. And get out of the house, go for a walk, go see something new and interesting. This should all contribute towards a healthier lifestyle in which you are losing weight and feeling good about yourself.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Losing Weight By Drinking Water

Dear Readers,

Everyone knows that people are supposed to drink eight glass of water a day, thats about between one and two litres. But few of us actually do this. And worse still, people don't substitute the water they were supposed to drink with another liquid, like orange juice or energade. That means that many people are virtually dehydrating themselves all of the time. So that is one reason to drink more water.

Another is that water contains no calories, so it won't make you put on weight. Most people over-eat because they think that they are more hungry than they are, when they are actually more thirsty. So drinking the right amount of water can decrease the appetite.

And furthermore, water is a great detoxing agent for the body. It flushes out old toxins and poisons and is great when drank with a slice of lemon or mashed up strawberries. Even diluted juice is healthy for the body, and water tastes better when mixed with just enough juice to give it a subtle flavour.

Take care though not to drink waters that contain too much sugar or fruit sugars. The idea is to maintain a healthy balance, have some water, some diluted juice, some flavoured waters, and food too. 

The diet can stay more or less the same and there will still be some improvement once water has become a natural part of your life.

From Kari

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hi There Folks,

I know that this website is primarily about losing a (little bit) of weight, but I think that many girls think that they are fat when the problem is not even their body weight but rather their lack of self-esteem and bad way of feeling about themselves. I would like to tell you a story about my friend. Lets call her "that hot girl." Now my friend was not very skinny, she was probably about a size fourteen to sixteen if I had to guess, but she had a lot of CONFIDENCE. She enjoyed her food with the rest of us in the canteen and didn't over-stress about silly diet issues, and later at night when we all went out she came with too and wnjoyed herself on the dance floor. She loved going out and used to used an outift that made her feel sexy, usually her favorite suede pants and a black top that fitted her well. She was not ashmed of her curves but flaunted them. She wasn't slutty or desperate, just confident and sexy. And she attracted some of the hottest men on campus. So although losing weight is great, confidence is even better. Why not lose that heavy (insecurity) burden.

From Kari

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Hi Peeps,

This blog will be addressing the topic of weight loss. The idea that we are all going to hopefuly agree to aspire towards will be to lose weight so that we can be our ideal HEALTHY weight, we do not want to land up either grossly over weight or under weight. We want to all be at a weight where we can look in the mirror and feel proud of the way we look, and walk out the door with confidence to face the world. We do not want to be severly over our normal body weight ratio because that might make us unhealthy and prone to things like diabetes, but we also do not want to develop any eating disorders which send our bodies into shock. So, this website will rather encourage things like JOGGING and EATHING HEALTHILY, but the idea is not for people to starve themselves, but just for us all to lose a LITTLE BIT of weight, to tone up as it were, and maybe lose, at most, a dress size or two. Once that weight has been lost people are still, of course, free to pursue a further course of action to lose further weight, and I hope that they will make healthy decisions once that stage is reached, but for now we are just planning to lose a little bit of weight. I would not recommend this website to anyone who is a size ten or smaller.

Remember, also, that clothes can do much to enhance one's figure and that often what is needed is not so much weight loss as a wardrobe makeover to find clothes that flatter people's figures.

From Kari