Dear Readers,
Often when people want to lose weight they think that they have to go on a strict diet of lettuce leaves and gross juices. And yes, it is important to eat fruit and veggies, but the truth is that many finelt sculpted people are not always following the strict diets they recommend. Rather, they are losing weight and keeping in shape by EXERCISING and then regaining the energy by pasta's and breads. If you think this is a lie it isn't. I knew one very toned person who ate normal foods, even things like fish cooked in butter. Now, of course, if you never exercise then eating high amounts of bread and pasta is not a good idea, but its ok to have them occassionally. Always make sure that you have added a fair amount of olive oil to your pasta, and that you eat wholgrain bread, which is healthier for you. Eat things like fruit, veggies, meat, eggs, dairy: the typical food pyramid. Try to keep a balanced diet. Worry about nutrients first and weight secondary. It wouldn'y help to lose a lot of weight if that causes a vitamin deficiency. This week I lost two kilo's, and I still had ice cream and milk and steak and stuff. The key is balance. Just think heathily. Enjoy sweets and things but not to the extent that you become diabetic. Eat some eggs and butter but also watch the cholesterol. Get some exercise, even if it is only walking. Leave alcohol alone and go sober. Have lots of soups for winter and wear a warm coat and scarf. Go to the gym and work out. Live life and enjoy yourself.
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