Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fun Meal Idea

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I decided to have a simple contest in the grocery store. We decided to try to budget forty dollars only for three meals. These weren't the only groceries we bought of course, but budgeting forty dollars for three meals really made me think.

Firstly, what goes into a meal? I thought: meat, vegetables, carbohydrates (and juice).

So, in light of that, having such a low budget, I found myself wondering through the vegetable aisle.

I bought:

-baby potatoes
- fresh mint sauce
- diced beef
- coloured peppers, one yellow, one red and one green
- mini tomatoes
- four ham steaks
- corn coblets
- mushrooms
- cat food (for the cat)

Anyway, what I learnt when I was shopping for the meal budget thing was that we mostly only need meat, vegetables and fruit. After the experiment when we continued shopping I noticed that the food chosen was more starchy and not necessarily healthier either.

So here is one idea:

chop up the peppers and the tomatoes to make a simple fresh salad, add mint. If you like you can add extra tomato and onion. Then, bake some baby potatoes and serve with sour cream and parsely. Then, fry the beef lightly in olive oil, until its nice and brown.

Serve it together on a plate in a delicate arrangment and enjoy

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