Monday, April 2, 2012

Eating Healthy

There are two things which I can recommend for losing weight, as meal ideas.

The one idea is to have a leafy green salad. You can always add cheese, tomato or even pieces of chicken or bacon to flavour it up. The second is to have a fruit salad, with yogurt or muesli.

It is important to get enough vitamins and drink enough water.

Take away meals will not help unless they are low in fat and approved as a health meal.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Conspiracy: Thin People Dont Want You To Be Thin

This might be a shock to some of you, but for girls especially, there are always going to be people out there who do not want you to lose weight. This is because the world has become very competitive and people out there fear the success of others, because they will become competition for them. They also do not want people to change, and might perceive a larger person as being more controllable.
Here is an example, both girls I spoke to were a size six. I asked them about their weight and how they became that thin. Both girls have experienced massive personal success due to their weight, or should I say lack thereof.

Please note that what they said has been paraphrased, but this is more or less what they told me.

Girl 1 (size 6):

"I dont do anything to try lose weight. I eat a lot, I eat everything, even donuts. I want to be fat actually, I have tried hard to gain weight. I just have a fast metabolism."

Girl 2 (size 6):

"I dont eat. Well, I do eat but not very much and when I eat I dont eat in the next few days if I have a big meal. So sure I eat a large pizza but then for the next two or three days I dont eat anything. If you wanna lose weight just eat less".

This statement is more accurate, I have heard other peitite girls say similar stories. It seems that pizza makes people open up more

So there you have it folks :-)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I don't know why, but coffee and tea made me lose a lot of weight

I enjoy coffee and tea and noticed that when I drink them the kilos drop off. I usually have two sugars and milk.

I think it's because it surpresses my appetite. I usually have two cups of coffee and one cup of tea.

To eat with that, if you need food try:

1. A nectarine


2. Water biscuits with crab dip

3. Toast with marmalade

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fun Meal Idea

Yesterday, my boyfriend and I decided to have a simple contest in the grocery store. We decided to try to budget forty dollars only for three meals. These weren't the only groceries we bought of course, but budgeting forty dollars for three meals really made me think.

Firstly, what goes into a meal? I thought: meat, vegetables, carbohydrates (and juice).

So, in light of that, having such a low budget, I found myself wondering through the vegetable aisle.

I bought:

-baby potatoes
- fresh mint sauce
- diced beef
- coloured peppers, one yellow, one red and one green
- mini tomatoes
- four ham steaks
- corn coblets
- mushrooms
- cat food (for the cat)

Anyway, what I learnt when I was shopping for the meal budget thing was that we mostly only need meat, vegetables and fruit. After the experiment when we continued shopping I noticed that the food chosen was more starchy and not necessarily healthier either.

So here is one idea:

chop up the peppers and the tomatoes to make a simple fresh salad, add mint. If you like you can add extra tomato and onion. Then, bake some baby potatoes and serve with sour cream and parsely. Then, fry the beef lightly in olive oil, until its nice and brown.

Serve it together on a plate in a delicate arrangment and enjoy

Friday, July 9, 2010

Do's And Don'ts For Losing Weight


1. Weigh yourself everyday.
2. Drink plenty of Water.
3. Exercise.
4. Eat Healthier Foods (follow the traditional food pyramid).
5. Feel confident in your new image
6. Keep a weight and health journal


1. Crash diet
2. Panic if you don't see immediate results.
3. Starve youself
4. Over-exert yourself
5. Give up


Going to the gym is one of the most vital things that people need to do when trying to lose weight. Having a gym membership is one of the best favours people can do for themselves when trying to lose weight and improve their quality of life. Its also a great way to meet people and make new friends. The more often you go to gym the more fit and healthy you will be.

With that in mind, its important to learn how to gym safely:

1. Always carry water, a towel, a phone, and a fruit bar with you to the gym. Most gym's have lockers so that you can ake a bag with of personal items that you might need. Remember to take a jumper to wear once you leave gym again.

2. Consider your age, weight, fitness levels and over-all goal. Do you need to consult a doctor or get a personal trainer? Your answers to these questions will determine how many times a week you will be gyming, as well as what type of exercises you will do.

3. The less fit you are, the more mild your initial exercises at gym should be. As you become more fit you can have a more varied and complete routine.

4. Beginners should aim for simply a mild walk on the treadmill to start with.

5. Gym is not only for the super fit and toned. Anyone can attend gym and most people are able to use a spa pool or sauna. Never stay in a spa pool or sauna for longer than fifteen and five minutes respectively if you are concerned about your health.

6. Do ask for advice from gym staff. They are there to help you.

7. Wear the correct gym gear, especially safe sporty footwear if you plan on running on the treadmill.

8. Always check the instructions on machines carefully, and know where emergency buttons are located.

9. Never leave small children unattended at the pool.

10. Always eat before you go to the gym, but wait a few first hours after eating before you go.

Monday, July 13, 2009

What To Eat, What Not To Eat

Most people know what types of foods to eat in order to be healthy. We all know that we should eat a balanced diet and get enough exercise. I recommened eating fresh fruit and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and also eating things like meat and dairy products.

I also recommend keeping away from processed foods like take aways and sugary foods that harm your health.