Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Conspiracy: Thin People Dont Want You To Be Thin

This might be a shock to some of you, but for girls especially, there are always going to be people out there who do not want you to lose weight. This is because the world has become very competitive and people out there fear the success of others, because they will become competition for them. They also do not want people to change, and might perceive a larger person as being more controllable.
Here is an example, both girls I spoke to were a size six. I asked them about their weight and how they became that thin. Both girls have experienced massive personal success due to their weight, or should I say lack thereof.

Please note that what they said has been paraphrased, but this is more or less what they told me.

Girl 1 (size 6):

"I dont do anything to try lose weight. I eat a lot, I eat everything, even donuts. I want to be fat actually, I have tried hard to gain weight. I just have a fast metabolism."

Girl 2 (size 6):

"I dont eat. Well, I do eat but not very much and when I eat I dont eat in the next few days if I have a big meal. So sure I eat a large pizza but then for the next two or three days I dont eat anything. If you wanna lose weight just eat less".

This statement is more accurate, I have heard other peitite girls say similar stories. It seems that pizza makes people open up more

So there you have it folks :-)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I don't know why, but coffee and tea made me lose a lot of weight

I enjoy coffee and tea and noticed that when I drink them the kilos drop off. I usually have two sugars and milk.

I think it's because it surpresses my appetite. I usually have two cups of coffee and one cup of tea.

To eat with that, if you need food try:

1. A nectarine


2. Water biscuits with crab dip

3. Toast with marmalade